Nov 19, 2010

Bondage for beauty

Poor Iris has had to put up with a lot from me this week, first she was bound and gagged, then left hanging off a crane for few days and unmentionable violations were performed on her all in the name of art, beauty?

It's been a funny week, funniest thing of all, I had another of those emails from someone in China who was offering to make* my sculptures for me, maybe I'm missing something but I just can't understand why anyone would want to send their art out to be made by someone else. Its far cheaper if you do it yourself, you remain free to change and modify the work right up until the end and you never have to limit your vision to something that can be made by someone following your plans.

*make or worse fabricate, obviously from the Latin: fabricare, what's wrong with carve, sculpt or even create!

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